The Ultimate Web3 Development Platform

Effortlessly build, test, monitor, and scale your app chains and smart contracts, from initial concept to worldwide deployment.

Introducing Egabee:
Build & scale smart contracts, rollups and app chains

Egabee is an all-in-one Web3 development platform built without limits.
Designed to be super-easy, developer friendly, Egabee allows developers to build, test, monitor and track errors for smart contracts, rollups, app chains, and account wallets.

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We build with a focus on developer experience.


Real-time monitoring of app chains, smart contracts, and account wallets. Immediate issue detection, which allows developers to quickly identify and address bugs and vulnerabilities.


Stay informed and proactive with instant notifications for critical events on smart contracts and app chains. Enhance your monitoring and decision-making processes with timely alerts tailored to your specific needs.


Real-time insights to optimize user engagement, enhance smart contract performance, and proactively address issues. With features such as daily and weekly active user tracking, top smart contract caller analysis, and failure rate monitoring, developers can make data-driven decisions to drive user retention, refine smart contract functionalities, and ensure seamless user interactions. The platform's transaction and value trend analysis further empowers developers to streamline performance, refine user onboarding strategies, and elevate user satisfaction.

Web3 Actions

Web3 Actions opens up a world of possibilities for developers to create unique and specialized actions based on their individual requirements. Whether it's updating databases, interacting with external APIs, or implementing complex logic, the ability to run custom code enhances the platform's adaptability and empowers users to craft sophisticated automation workflows.


Interactively debug transactions, inspect contract state, troubleshoot issues, optimize contract performance, reduce gas costs, and improve overall efficiency. Detect and address security vulnerabilities, ensuring the contract is secure and resistant to attacks.

SDK Transactions

Developers can monitor transactions that encounter errors or issues before reaching the blockchain, enabling early detection and resolution of potential transaction failures. And the SDK allows developers to selectively monitor successful transactions of interest, providing valuable insights into specific transaction outcomes.


Developers can start risk-free testing, save costs, speed up development cycles, test different scenarios, ensure security and compliance, optimize performance, and gain valuable training opportunities.

BlockTrace API

BlockTrace API that provides comprehensive access to historical transactions for both contracts and wallets, as well as detailed information on all contracts within a network. This enables developers to efficiently track and analyze transaction histories, ensuring transparency and facilitating in-depth analysis. Whether you need to audit transactions, monitor contract activity, or gather detailed insights into network-wide contract interactions, our API delivers reliable, real-time data to support your blockchain applications and enhance your operational capabilities.


MainnetMirror is a cutting-edge product designed for developers seeking to create private blockchain networks with the full data set of a mainnet, allowing for robust testing, development, and experimentation. By leveraging MainnetMirror, developers can replicate the entire mainnet blockchain, including smart contracts, transactions, and account balances, in a secure and isolated environment. This enables developers to test their applications against real-world data and scenarios, ensuring compatibility and reliability before deploying to the mainnet. With MainnetMirror, developers can accelerate their development cycles, reduce costs, and enhance the quality of their blockchain applications.


Egabee is working on to supports all roll-ups built on with Rollkit and Dymension RollApps. Once the roll-up is added to your Egabee project, we start indexing the data.

Local and Hosted Forks

Egabee is working on to support local Hardhat and Anvil forks either from your machine or hosted solution from Egabee. Once the fork is added to your Egabee project, we start indexing the data. All smart contracts and transactions will be available through Egabee dashboard.

Step by step guide


Create Account

Sign up for a new account. No credit card required!

Sign Up

Default Project

We create a default project for you.

View Project

Add Your Contract

Add your contract on supported networks and start explore the dashboard.

Add Contract

Achievements & Awards

Egabee has participated in and won awards at hackathons and accelerator programs.

Consensus Web3athon 2023 Reveals Its Winners

Consensus Web3athon 2023 Winner

Egabee “formerly known as Blocklog” won the first place in Web3athon in Coreum Ecosystem, it's an annual hackathon event hosted by CoinDesk with partners Alchemy University and HackerEarth. consensus-web3athon-2023-reveals-its-winners/

Backdrop V2 Grant Winner: Egabee

Backdrop V2 Grant Winner

Thousands of builders taking on a challenge of building and launching their crazy idea in 4 weeks. We pulled together a panel of 40 builders, investors, and other experts to review the 32 finalists and help select 6 winners for Build V2. 1732121469961064548

Web3 Growth camp 2, yardHub

Joined Yard[hub] Web3 Growth Camp 2

Yard[hub] is a web3-focused venture studio.

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Supported Networks

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Cosmos SDK Blockchains

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EVM Chains

Coming Soon

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Polkadot & Parachains

Coming Soon

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The Ultimate Web3 Development Platform.

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